Respondent’s attorney, Kasim, during the follow-up hearing of the Regional Head Election Results Dispute of North Halmahera Regency, Friday (21/05) in the courtroom. Photo by PR/Ifa.
JAKARTA, PUBLIC RELATIONS - DPRD of North Halmahera Regency certified Frans Manery and Muchlis Tapi Tapi as the elected Regent and Vice Regent of North Halmahera through the plenary meeting of the Certification of the Elected Regent and Vice Regent of North Halmahera for Office Term 2021-2024 on May 5, 2021 as explained by the representative of the KPU of North Halmahera Regency (Respondent) Abdul Djalil Jurumudi in the second hearing of the of the Regional Head Election Results Dispute of North Halmahera Regency, Friday afternoon (21/05).
The Court responded to that matter by publishing the Decree Number 143/PHP.BUP-XIX/2021 as read by the Justices Panel consisting of Justices Wahiduddin Adams, Manahan M.P. Sitompul, and Daniel Yusmic P. Foekh.
“Declaring, commanding all the relevant institutions to delay the execution of any step and administrative action as well as other activities after the Certification of the Votes Counting and Voting Redo of the North Halmahera Regency based on the Decree of North Halmahera Regency KPU Number 26/PL.06.2-KPT/8203/KPU-Kab/IV/2021 concerning the the Votes Count Recapitulation Post-Constitutional Court’s Decision Number 57/PHP.BUP-XIX/2021 on the 2020 Regent and Vice Regent Election of North Halmahera dated on April 30th, 2021 until a Court’s Decision on the a quo case emerges,” said Justice Adams who chaired the panel.
In response to that, Commissioner of KPU, Hasyim Asy’ari stated that they would observe and send a letter to the KPUs in the province, regency/city that held PSU and/or had a dispute to delay taking any step further. “We would also send a letter to the Home Affairs Minister which would be similar in the substance in order to execute the decrees,” he said.
Meanwhile, Hendra Kasim elaborated the voters data of the PSU in the TPS located in a company called PT Nusa Halmahera Mineral (NHM) which was claimed as incorrect. As the Respondent’s Attorney, he said that the Petitioner’s claim was untrue. Respondent had asked the company’s data concerning the employees to verify the 768 employees who had voting rights in the PSU. In regards to the 9 (nine) voters’ who were claimed not listed as voters, Respondent stated that those names did not exist on the employees’ list given by the company.
Addressing another claim stating that some voters' lists were not in accordance with the Court’s Decision, Respondent answered that those names were not on the list of TPS 01 and 02 located in PT NHM as they had used their voting rights on December 9, 2020. “Thus they did not use their voting rights again during the PSU in TPS located in PT NHM,” Kasim said.
Listed Voters
Another claim stated that there was a violation in TPS 7 at Rawajaya Village where 2 (two) people who were not local citizens listed as voters to which the Responded answered that those voters were indeed listed since the election on December 9, 2020 thus they were also listed on the Final Voters List (DPT) for the PSU. Meanwhile, concerning the multiple voters issue at TPS 7 and 5 at Rawajaya Village, Respondent admitted that there were 3 (three) people listed as multiple voters. However, they did not use their voting rights on December 9, 2020.
“And during the PSU they used their voting rights in TPS 7 and 5 at Rawajaya Village,” Kasim said while attending the hearing directly at the panel courtroom.
Other than that, Respondent also answered to the claim concerning a voter named Sarwan Janaba and 2 (two) other voters who used their voting rights twice due to being in the prison but their rights were used by other people during PSU to which Respondent stated that they did not use their voting rights on December 9, 2020 in TPS 5 inside the prison.
“In fact, those 3 (three) voters got an assimilation on March 6, 2021 hence they no longer used their voting rights inside the prison, but in their own resident instead,” he said.
Petitioner plead the Court to annul the Decree of the General Elections Commision (KPU) of North Halmahera Regency Number 57/Pl.06.2-Kpt/8203/KPU-Kab/IV/2021 concerning the Votes Count Recapitulation Post-Constitutional Court’s Decision Number 57/PHP.BUP-XIX/2021 on the 2020 Regent and Vice Regent Election of North Halmahera dated on April 30th, 2021 at 22.11 WIT (Eastern Indonesia Time). They claimed that there were still several violations done by Respondent during the verification and validation of the voters’ data for the TPS located in a company called PT Nusa Halmahera Mineral (NHM) resulting to the loss of votes for Petitioner in the election
Writer: Sri Pujianti
Editor: Lulu Anjarsari P.
PR: Andhini S.F.
Translator: WA (IA)
Managing Editor: BW
Translation was uplaoded on May 24, 2021 at 13:57 WIB
Saturday, May 22, 2021 | 13:56 WIB 266